Latino Empowerment Organization of Nevada

Support the Latino Empowerment Organization of Nevada


Your Contribution Makes a Difference for Nevada's Latino Community!

At the Latino Empowerment Organization of Nevada, we are dedicated to uplifting the voices, stories, and contributions of our state's Latino population. Nevada’s Latino community represents over 30% of the state’s population, and our presence is growing in every sector. However, despite this growth, our representation in government, business, and other industries continues to lag behind. Your support can help us close this gap and build a brighter, more inclusive future for Latinos in Nevada.

Why Your Contribution Matters:

Civic engagement and representation are the foundation of a thriving democracy. Unfortunately, Latino voices are often underrepresented in decision-making spaces. By investing in our programs, you are helping ensure that Latinos not only participate but lead in shaping Nevada's future.

Why Latino Representation Matters:

Latinos are underrepresented in key areas of leadership and decision-making in Nevada:

  • Despite being 30% of the population, Latino representation in Nevada’s state legislature is only about 16%.
  • Latino-owned businesses contribute significantly to our local economy, but they still face hurdles in accessing capital and resources.
  • Latinos are underrepresented in the executive ranks of major industries, including healthcare, technology, and education.

We believe that by increasing Latino participation in civic life, we can ensure that policies and decisions reflect the values and needs of our community.

Help Us Build a More Inclusive Nevada

With your support, the Latino Empowerment Organization of Nevada can continue its mission to create opportunities for Latinos from all walks of life. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will immediately impact the lives of Latinos across the state. Together, we can build a future where everyone is empowered to succeed.

Latino Empowerment Organization of Nevada is a 501(c)(3) organization.Contributions or gifts to Latino Empowerment Organization of Nevada are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our federal tax ID number is 93-3953249.