Respect Voters

Sign the Open Letter: Protect voters' right to use the citizen ballot initiative process

The citizen ballot initiative is a sacred Constitutional right. For over 150 years, Americans have fought for the right to vote. For a century, voters have used the initiative process to keep taxes reasonable, limit corruption, and more. But now politicians are trying to take away our fundamental freedoms.

Sign the open letter: stop politicians from taking away your voice.

To: Governors and State Legislators
From: Citizens Across America

​For a century, voters across the political spectrum have used ballot measures to pass laws—such as fighting corruption—that enjoy public support but legislators are unlikely to enact. The ballot initiative is a critical tool for the People to hold government accountable so we can have a more functional government.

However, some politicians are now trying to block citizen ballot initiative petitions in a desperate power grab.

As President Abraham Lincoln wrote, "We here highly resolve… that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

These legislators' attacks are nothing but political censorship. It’s time for true leaders to stand up and stop these offensive assaults on the people.

We call on all organizations and voters: Join the coalition to defend our liberties from politicians who wish to take them away.